Environmental Education is woven into the Ontario Curriculum in every subject area and at each grade level. This Ministry of Education document provides a quick reference linking curriculum expectations with environmental education. Have a look at Environmental Education: Scope and Sequence of Expectations (Grade 1 - 8) and discover where Enviro Ed fits into your teaching!
Here are some examples:
Grade One Social Studies
A3.4 identify some elements of respectful behaviour that they can practise in their everyday life (e.g., ... not damaging the natural or built environment) and/or that other people practise ...
Grade Two French as a Second Language
A2.2 Interacting: respond with understanding to what others say while participating in interactions about familiar, everyday topics (e.g., ... ask and answer questions about local animals and plant life in an inside/outside circle)
Grade Three Arts (Dance)
A1.1 imitate movements found in their natural environment in a variety of ways and incorporate them into a dance phrase (e.g., modify the movements of animals, snow falling to the ground, ice melting, plants growing; connect a series of insect-like movements together to make a phrase
Grade Four Physical Education
A1.2 demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to their personal enjoyment of being active (e.g., ... being outdoors) as they participate in a wide variety of individual and small- group activities ...
Grade Five Language
B1.4 Creating Media Texts: create a variety of oral media texts using forms, conventions, and techniques appropriate to the purpose and audience (e.g., create a video clip on a[n]... environmental movement or campaign, ...; ... deliver a news report about global warming; ... create a commercial to advertise eco-tourism in Quebec)
Grade Six Science Understanding Life Systems - Biodiversity
2.4 use appropriate science and technology vocabulary, including classification, biodiversity, natural community, interrelationships, vertebrate, invertebrate, stability, characteristics, and organism, in oral and written communication
No need to reinvent the wheel, Environmental Education is ALREADY part of the Ontario Curriculum. There is something for all students and teachers!
Ontario Ministry of Eduction, Environmental Education: Scope and Sequence of Expectations (grades k -8), Queen's Printer 2011.